Principal Investigator

Luke Davis
Davis Lab
Tufts University
62 Talbot Avenue
Medford, MA 02155
Graduate Students
Daniela Chavez
2nd-year graduate student
BS in Chemistry, Rhode Island College
Materials for thin-film photovoltaics
Jesse Cohan
2nd-year graduate student
BS in Chemistry, Muhlenberg College
Materials for thin-film photovoltaics
Prior research: Evaporation kinetics
Jessica Eldridge
2nd-year graduate student
BS in Chemistry, University of New Haven
Molecular light absorbers and emitters
Lee Blackmer
1st-year graduate student
BA in Chemistry, Mount Holyoke College
Volatile molecular reducing agents
Prior research: H+ Conduction in BaZrO3:Y
Undergraduate Students
Blake Bunney
Senior, biochemistry
Materials for thin-film photovoltaics
Noah Mills
Senior, ACS-certified chemistry
Materials for thin-film photovoltaics
Allison Choi
Senior, chemical engineering
Materials for thin-film photovoltaics
Bryan Valdivia
Senior, biochemistry
Carbon-free reduction of iron ore
Max Levene
Junior, ACS-certified chemistry
Materials for thin-film photovoltaics