Training and Operation Manuals
Instrumentation Documentation
In addition to the PDF links below, printed instrument manuals, as well as printed copies brief directions are kept near the respective instruments.
For most instruments, manufacturer supplied manuals are available as .pdf files that are usually installed on the computer that controls the instrument. See the Instrumentation Specialist, Xiangjin Song, if you would like a copy.
Brief Instruction Sheets
- Bruker NMR Basic Operation
- Bruker EMX EPR Spectrometer - Basic Operation
- Nicolet Magna 760 FTIR-Basic Operation
- Thermo IS-5, IR-100 FTIR Basic Operation
- Cary Eclipse Fluorescence Spectrometer-Basic Operation
- Thermo Solaar AA-Basic Operation
- Jasco V-570 UV/Vis brief directions
- Cary 60 UV/Vis Basic Operation
- Thermo Genesys 10S UV/Vis Basic Operation
- Agilent 1260 HPLC Basic Operation
- Agilent 7890B GC Basic Operation
- Buck Scientific 910 GC Basic Operation
- Shimadzu QP-5050A GCMS - Basic Operation
- Thermo LTQ Mass Spectrometer- Direct Infusion
- Thermo LTQ Mass Spectrometer- LCMS
- Tricarb 2900 Liquid Scintillation Counter-Basic Operation
- Beckman XL-I Analytical Ultracentrifuge-Basic Operation
- Leeman Labs Prodigy ICP Basic Operation