Chair's Welcome

On behalf of the Tufts University Chemistry Department, thank you for visiting our website. Tufts has a unique identity as a Research-I institution whose size and priorities have long emphasized excellence in both research and teaching. Faculty conduct world-class research in a wide range of fields while offering undergraduate and graduate students the opportunity to work closely and collaboratively with their mentors. Our location near Boston brings many opportunities for interdisciplinary interactions and collaboration with scientists at nearby universities, government laboratories, and companies.
Our department has a long history dating back to 1882 when Arthur Michael, the great American chemist, established his laboratory in the basement of Ballou Hall. Today, we continue this tradition of excellence by conducting research at the forefront of the chemical sciences while training the next generation of chemists at the bachelor's, master's, doctoral, and postdoctoral levels. Our 20 faculty work with 75 doctoral students and 15 postdoctoral scholars in the Pearson-Michael Chemistry complex on Tufts' Medford campus just outside of Davis Square in Somerville. Our department is vibrant, collegial and supportive, and our alumni have gone on to highly successful careers in academia, industry, and government labs.
I invite you to explore our website to learn more about the exciting work in our department. The faculties research foci include chemical sensing, interfacial chemistry, science at the chemistry-biology interface, and the discovery of new materials. If you would like to learn more, or you would like to arrange a visit, please feel free to contact my colleagues or me.
Yu-Shan Lin
Professor and Department Chair